TLDR; Flutter is an open source cross platform development kit.
Flutter is a software development kit created by Google that allows developers to build beautiful and natively compiled applications for almost any platform - mobile (Android and iOS), web (any browser) and desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux) all from a single codebase. Flutter is often used with DART, which is an object-oriented programming language by Google. The biggest advantage of flutter is that it can be used to create cross-platform applications. So, if you want to build an app that looks stunning and works great on any device, Flutter is the way to go! 😊
Installation is broken down into two different aspects, the first aspect is within the core of flutter and the other aspect contains the scopes.
You can install Flutter on Windows by following these steps:
- Navigate to on your webpage.
- On the top menu bar, select Docs > Get Started > Install > Windows.
- Check for the System Requirements.
- Download the Flutter SDK.
- Extract the zip file and place it in your desired location.
- Add Flutter to your path.
- Run
flutter doctor
to verify that Flutter has been installed correctly.
- Healthcheck
flutter docker
- Flutter upgrade
flutter upgrade
- Package Get
flutter packages get
flutter pub get
- Flutter will download and save the packages locally.
- List all devices for flutter.
flutter devices
- Run application on a specific device.
flutter run -d {$device} -v
- Flutter logs from the specific device.
flutter logs -d {$device
- Flutter clean
flutter clean
- The command deletes all temporary folders and builds.
- Fluter cache
flutter pub cache repair
- Package removal.
flutter pub remove {$package}
- Package add / install
flutter pub add {$package}
Packages is the official package repository for Dart / Flutter apps! However we will show you how to add your own custom packages as well.
We have two packages that we are currently looking into for markdown / md files, however we were not able to find a solution yet to render full MDX / Markdown Javascript.
Our official notes for the Flutter MDX.
- Add Media for Flutter.
- Under guides, we could include links to exisiting courses for Flutter.