April: 19

Daily Log for 2023-04-19



  • Visiting the inner city this morning and it was wild! The food smells amazing but the crowd is mind numbing and the traffic is insane, damn I almost got hit by a tuk tuk / rickshaw at least 3 times.
  • Currently trying to fix the issues with SendGrid and Ezoic. It seems that Ezoic’s DNS is replacing the SendGrid CNAME by dropping it. When trying to place the CNAME inside of the Ezoic DNS panel, it seems to say that it can not proxy it. I rasied a community ticket on their forum, hopefully they can get it resolved but if they can not then we might use a 3rd party domain.
  • Upgrading Coolify to v3.12.31. Before upgrading, I am going to execute an AWX backup stack. This is another test case for a full scale backup, including the SQL database but excluding snapshots.
  • Integration of Portainer and Coolify still has some issues, including volume and network management. I will rise an issue after doing more R&D between both applications.
  • Starting the AppWrite Register for Astro.


Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. — Henry David Thoreau


  • Upgrade Coolify to v3.12.31.
  • R&D for automated RAW image conversion.
  • Rollback Astro upgrade because of errors.
  • Pay off any additional CC debt(s) for the month.
  • Leverage 100 shares of $SPY again for the week.
  • AppWrite -> Register -> https://github.com/KBVE/kbve.com/issues/122
  • Scope out local tailor for pants.
  • Ant Spray for the house in India.