Game Design Document

Executive Summary

  • Game Concept: A brief description of the game, including the genre, setting, and gameplay.
  • Target Audience: Big Tiddie Goth Gfs?
  • Project Scope: MVP is 1 Fun Level with Low-To-No-Bugs, released to the Steam. The Product is playable with Mouse and Keyboard and has no placeholder assets, and runs on all Test Machines. The Full Scope is a Playable Product with 2 Levels.


  • Release Platform: RogueJester will be releaesed to the Steam Store
  • Development Space: RogueJester is being developed on Unity. 2021.3.11f1
  • Build Update Rules: Unity Dev Ops Builds is To Be Determined pending Billing investigation


  • Objectives: The goals of the game, and how players can achieve them.
  • Progression: How the game progresses, and how players can unlock new content.
  • Gameplay Mechanics: The rules and mechanics of the game, such as how characters move, interact with the environment, and fight enemies.
  • User Interface: The user interface of the game, including the menus, buttons, and other elements that players will interact with.


  • Combat: The rules and mechanics of combat, such as how players attack enemies, defend themselves, and use special abilities.
  • Physics: The physics of the game world, such as how objects move and interact with each other.
  • Other Mechanics: Any other mechanics that are important to the game, such as crafting, inventory management, or character customization.

Game Elements

  • Worldbuilding: The setting and lore of the game world.
  • Story: The plot of the game, including the characters, events, and challenges that players will face.
  • Characters: The characters that players can control or interact with.
  • Locations: The different locations that players can visit in the game world.
  • Level Design: The design of the levels in the game, including the enemies, obstacles, and puzzles that players will encounter.


  • Art: The art assets for the game, such as character models, environment assets, and textures.
  • Music: The music and sound effects for the game.
  • Programming: The code that powers the game, including the gameplay mechanics, user interface, and level design.


This game design document provides a high-level overview of the game. For more detailed information, please refer to the attached documents.

This is just a template, so you can feel free to modify it to fit your specific game. You may also want to add additional sections, such as a marketing plan or a financial plan.